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Huts in a Congolese village. Robert Hottot photographed as a boy by his father.
A postcard sent by Hottot to his address in Rueil, a practice adopted which alerted those at home to the traveller’s whereabouts and provided Hottot himself with a souvenir of the voyage. Robert Hottot’s son Hubert photographed during a summer holiday in Provence.

This shows the stereo photograph as a 3-D anaglyph – you will need a pair of red-blue anaglyph glasses to see the image in three dimensions.

Fuelwood being loaded onto the river steamer D'Uzès on the return journey down the Chari River.
Mandjaffa, Chad. December 1908.

Pitt Rivers Museum 1994.62.290.2



Source: Philip N. Grover and Christopher Morton, Congo Journey: Photographs and Documents from Robert Hottot's Expedition to Central Africa, 1908-9 [website], (published online September 2005, last updated 8 February 2006) <http://www.prm.ox.ac.uk/congojourney>.